Thursday, January 24, 2013

Have fun with your lips!

It's definitely okay to make a statement every now and then! Or even every day, if you're bold enough. I did these loud lips using Sephora's black cream eyeliner and a gold Sephora crayon.

I applied the gold with my Sigma E10 eyeliner brush. Be sure to line your lips with a black eyeliner because this is definitely not a look you want to be messy with! You can even switch up the colors depending on your preference! Have fun with it!


Don't put those summer dresses in the back of your closet!

Hi glamouristas!

Sorry it's been awhile since I last posted anything! My phone literally would not let me access my gallery for the longest time!

So anyway, I always have the hardest time parting with my summer dresses when the winter comes. It's like they're getting deployed! (Yes, my clothes and I have that kind of relationship.) Well, save the drama because I have the perfect solution!

Throw on a pair of leather leggings, or regular ones if you aren't into all that, and a blazer over top of a bright, summer dress. Pair it with knee high boots and statement jewelry pieces and you've got yourself a new and improved summer dress!

Have an amazing day my loves, go for your dreams and never forget to smile!


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Effortless Saturday!

The best way to get an effortless look is to throw on a pair of boyfriend jeans and loose fitted shirt. Throw on a bad ass pair of heels with it and BAM! You've got the "model off duty" look. Put on some red lipstick and big sunglasses for extra fashion points.

I wore this on a little outing with my husband and my son and a little group of of old ladies were obsessing over my look. They even said it looked like a model's day off look. I thought it was so adorable how into fashion these ladies were. They grew up in the 50's and 60's era which I LOVE! Pin-ups and everything was so sexy and red lips were so in!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Kevin Aucoin, a true inspiration.

If any of you get a chance to read Allure's October issue, please do! They have an article on Kevin Aucoin, a makeup artist from Louisiana who rode a bus all the way to NYC with a portfolio and his boyfriend posing as his agent. He went to the Vogue offices with no appointment, no formal work or credits, just a handful of photos of makeup looks he did on his friends and family. Within months he was working for photographers and within years he was working with the hottest celebrities. Sadly, he passed away in 2002. He changed the world of makeup.

This article is truly inspiring and motivating. I am so intrigued by his determination and his courage. He definitely left a mark in the beauty industry because of his confidence and his drive. I hope you all get a chance to read it, it will open your eyes and your heart. I think we can all learn that anything is possible as long as you want it bad enough and have the courage to make it happen.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fashion Friday - Kids version!

Hey beauties! Today is fashion Friday!

For all of my mommies out there with little boys, or even little girls, I decided to share my son's fashion for today!

My son loves getting dressed! He loves hats and he loves ties (he sees his daddy go to work in them every day!) So we always try to mix them into his wardrobe! It makes getting dressed so much easier because he gets excited to wear his favorite things & I get excited because he always looks super cute and he already has a signature style! He loves to look good!

So, MOMMIES! Let your kids have input in what they want to wear! It makes it fun and it helps their creativity! Hope you all have a beautiful day!