I'm from the small town of Carlisle, PA. You probably have never even heard of it! I've lived here pretty much all of my life, and have always wanted to venture out into the city! Small towns are just not for people like me! I am working my way to moving away.. it just takes time... 

I am 22 years old. I have a beautiful husband and we have a three year old son! My husband, Preston, and I have been married for two years and have been together since we were 17.. high school sweethearts :) PJ (Preston Jr, our son) is the best thing that has ever happened to us! 

Fashion and beauty are huge passions of mine! I started doing makeup looks about two years ago, when I was a stay at home mom, I would just play around with makeup while the baby was napping. I would post them online and everyone seemed to love them! The more I did looks, the more I realized I needed to make a career out of it! Being from a small town, there isn't much opportunities. I have done makeup for weddings so far, but I'm really just ready to do more! I have always loved fashion, but just recently started putting together different looks. I'm about personal style and spicing up an outfit that makes it YOUR OWN. I think anyone can make something work with confidence and their own personal taste. 

So, I decided to create this blog for inspiration.. I have had people tell me that I inspire them with my looks.. so I decided to do this for you! Enjoy! Xo.

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